A Richardson Cameo Amphora Vase….
Obituary Ron Brown
Corning visits Broadfield John V. Sanders
In the Red David C. Watts
Mr Lillycrap’s Hone
Geoff Timberlake (see also No. 53 Summer 2000.)
Is there any hope? (Sunderland Glassworks)
Falling Glass (at Waterloo Station)
One good turn …..
Millennium Commemorative Glass
Bermondsey Glass Works Geoff Timberlake
Another Mystery solved Deryk Snow
The Cameo Glass of Thomas and George Woodall
Browsing the Web for Glass
Brian Currie (see also No. 53 Summer 2000. )
Studio Glass at Ilkley Auction John Delafaille
Glass at the Auctions
Book Reviews
“Popular Glass of the 19th & 20th Centuries” by Raymond Notley
“Journal of Glass Studies” Vol 41 Corning Museum of Glass
Regional Meetings