Glass Matters 1

Glass Matters 1 is the first joint publication published by The Glass Association & The Glass Circle in February 2018.

Front Cover  'Persian glass at high level'  A Ceiling composition by Dale Chihuly ( see page 8 ).

2 - 3 Editorial, and messages from the new chairpersons Susan Newell & David Willars.

4 - 6 Member's gifts to mark the retirements of Brian Clarke & John Smith.

7  The Stained Glass Museum in Ely  Review by Judith Gower.

8 - 11 Dale Chihuly ' An Exceptional Glass Designer ' Janet Cummings.

12 - 16  A joint visit in September 2017 to see & handle The Frank Tibbenham Collection in Christchurch Mansion Ipswich.  Brian Clarke.

17 - 22  The GA AGM in Ely October 2017. Lectures on 'The Historical Significance of Scottish Glass & British Stained Glass' by Jill Turnbull , Alfred Fisher , Dr Jasmine Allen  -  Roger Ersser.

23 - 24  The Eila Graham Glass Collection - A first report on this very important collection of 17th - 19th Century Glass   Bill Millar.

25 - 29  Carnival Glass ' The Early Years ' Trudy Auty.

30 - 33  A French Stained Glass Panel in the V & A.   Susan Newell. - Obituary Eric Reynolds.

34 - 38  'Glass Engraving as an Art'  JM O'Fallon - This article was originally published in The Art Journal in 1885.

39  A review of The International Festival of Glass & Biennale held in Stourbridge 2017   Bob Wilcock -- Meeting & visits planned for 2018.

Back Cover  A composite stem wine glass from The Frank Tibbenham Collection 1740-50 see page 12.




Price: £10.00