2010 AGM—Tyntesfield Hutton John & Marigold, The great west window of Coventry Cathedral. Whitefriars Film from 1938.
Vacancies—Editor; S E Representative
Member’s query—Olympic Cocktail Shaker? A Stuart Shaker with flags of France, Switzerland, France , Gt Britain & a German flag with swastika.
Some Sensational Prices for Swedish Art Glass reported by Geoff Lawson,the Bridget Craaford collection sold by Stockholms Auktionsverk September 2010. Outstanding pieces from Kosta, Reijmyre,Orrefors & Stromberghyttan. Designs by Alf Wallender.Simon Gate,Edward Hald, Vicke Lindstrand, Edvin Ohrstrom, Mona Morales,Paul Kedelv / Flygfors, Eva Englund.
2010 British Glass Biennale Winner 'Reverberation' by Gaea Todd Have the Judges gone too far ? A controversial article. The Glass Sellers award 'Iteration 456 , by Shelley Doolan.
Ranamok Glass Prize 2010 The Australian & New Zealand equivalent of the Biennale. The winner ' Too much is Never Enough ' by NZ artist Sue Hawker.
IFG Demonstration—Scott Benefield ( USA ). A traditional Italian technique illustrated by 11 photographs.
Making a Millefiori Paperweight - Mike Hunter. Illustrated by 12 photographs
Paperweight Corner - Personalised Weights, 12 photographs.
The Stained Glass Windows of Durham Cathedral Windows illustrated ' St Cuthbert of Lindisfarne ' Hugh Ray Easton 1945, RAF window 1948. The Bede window 1973 by Alan Younger. ' The Daily Bread Window ' by Mark Angus 1984 sponored by Marks & Spencer using Hartley Wood Glass. ' The millenium window 'by Edwin Nutgens 1997 plus several others illustrated made by Kempe, Clayton and Bell.