Glass Cone 82 Spring 2008

Swedish Glass: An overview of the development of the Swedish glass industry in the late 19th and 20th Centuries (this paper was given at the GA’s European Study Weekend in October 2007). Article by Gunnel Holmér.

The Swedish Museum of Glass, Smålands Museum, Växjö:  An introduction to the new permanent exhibition, and to the summer 2008 exhibition .

Glassmaker's Corner: A profile of contemporary glass artists Ed & Margaret Burke. Article by Derek Carter.

Art In Action 2008

Paperweight News: News of Caithness, and American paperweights with China or Ceramic Inclusions (Part 2). Article by Richard M Giles.

Forthcoming Events: Details of upcoming glass fairs, auctions, lectures and other events.

Edinburgh's Crystal: A guide to the glass treasures to be found in Edinburgh's museums, galleries and historic buildings.  Article by Bob Wilcock.

Forthcoming Events at Broadfield House Glass Museum

Reading Museum Object Identification (Part 1): An update regarding items of glass from Reading museum, which have been identified with the assistance of Glass Association members.


Price: £3.50