The Dining Room, Wynstay Gardens, Kensington, 1995"" (the Michael Parkington Collection) "
Annual General Meeting by John Brooks, Dil Hier
37th Corning Seminar on Glass 1997 by John Smith
A Glass Furnace Saved by Charles R. Hajdamach
Battle to Save Hartley-Woods by Roy Elwen & Rita Pearce
Philosophical Thoughts on Collecting by Ron Havenhand
Sunderland National Glass Centre by Roy Elwen & Rita Pearce
Micromelt - The Way Forward by Patricia Baker
Who Was Frederick Shuker? by Jack Haden
A Kny Claret Jug
For B.A.G. Read C.G.S. by Patricia Baker
Thoughts on Sowerby's Ivory Queensware by Deryk Snow
Book Review
Glass (Handbook of glass at the V & A museum) by Reino Leifkes (Editor)
Parkington Sale - Part I. by John Brooks
Death of another Glasshouse ( Dema) by Rita Pearce